Mississippi Addiction Support (SOMEONE YOU LOVE NEEDS TO READ THIS)

When I got home yesterday…….I was jumped by my 5 kids.

Attacked with hugs and kisses.

Okay, actually it was just 2 of my kids.  (The middles)

The 2 oldest were more calm and collected and the baby……well is just a baby. (But he laughed and smiled so I think that counts)

We all need a little support in our lives.  A little sunshine.  A little brightness.  A few hugs and kisses scattered into our day.

A patient asked me yesterday if I was an addict.  I’m asked this a lot.  I think it’s because many patients aren’t used to someone that listens to them without judgement.

I have a bittersweet relationship with addiction.

My job is to help.  And that’s what I try to do.

But I also see the other side of it.

I’ve lost friends.  I’ve lost family.  I’ve seen the destruction.  The hell on earth.

I also know the back stories.  Abuse.  Neglect.  Torture.  Pure bad luck.

I see the kids that are involved.

As a foster parent, I’ve seen first hand the destructive nature that drugs bring to this world and I find myself torn.  Because the “work” me wants to help and the “home” me wants to shake a fist at these fools that throw their children’s lives away.

Not everyone that struggles with addiction are heroin and meth addicts.  Many are teachers, bankers, factory workers, preachers, firemen, lawyers, nurses, doctors, police officers, and politicians.

“Everyday people” that got hurt or injured and started taking pain pills for legitimate reasons but soon found they couldn’t stop.

It’s time to stop feeling guilty.  It’s time to ignore your pride.

It doesn’t matter how you got here.  This is where you are.  Now, let’s do something about it.

If you struggle with addiction, YOU NEED TO GET HELP AND YOU NEED TO START TODAY!

I heard a quote the other day that I love: “What you permit is what you promote.”

So if you aren’t getting help, then you don’t want help.  Fair enough.

But I’m taking away all excuses.

If you permit another week to go by without getting help, then you don’t care about your family, your friends, or yourself.

Listen.  New Year’s Resolutions are worthless.  Just take action.

Call today and set up a counseling session.

You can meet with a counselor one on one or you can go to a group meeting.

Everyone needs a little support in their life.

Maybe it’s your kids tackling you when you get home from work or maybe it’s something else.

Maybe you need to surround yourself with others that understand what you are going through.

Give us a call.

You won’t regret it.





opioid overdose

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