random thoughts from a modern day information junkie

I was talking to a friend the other day. He gets depressed if he doesn’t work out. He needs to lift weights in order to feel “normal”.

A few years back I had this dream of breaking the Guinness World Record for a weighted pull-up. But I’m too old to break records. I can only break myself.

I tell my wife “I’m getting too old for this”. “Yeah, you are” she replies.

I have a difficult time learning something new. Maybe it’s all the years of school that I’ve put behind me. Thinking about anything else is exhausting.

Here’s a random thought. Is green tea considered herbal medicine? What about kratom and cannabis?

Kratom is not harmless. It’s a partial opiate and very addictive. But I think it has potential to help with chronic pain and even with drug addiction. But that doesn’t mean it’s safe to sell over the counter at the gas station.

What about marijuana? It’s not the miracle that everyone hopes. But it has potential. And that’s not nothing.

But how many people try the above two drugs (that can be addictive and deadly) without ever trying green tea? And I mean actually trying it by substituting your other drink of choice with this for two to three months?

You probably think I’m trying to sell you Green Tea. I’m not. It was a metaphor.

I recently went on vacation. I spent the entire week either on a boat, eating good food, or drinking a lot of beer. I also spent a lot of time thinking. And I came up with a few things I want to do.

First, I need to organize a few parts of my house and get rid of some clutter that has accumulated. I am the world’s worst minimalist.

Second, I need to focus more on food planning. It’s easier to eat healthy when you have it mapped out. Maybe that means meal preps or maybe it means just writing down exactly what you’re going to eat at every meal for the next week and then making it happen. I’m not exactly sure yet.

Third, I am going to start reading again.

Ha! I know that last one sounds weird. How could a man that’s written two mediocre books not be good at reading?

Well, it was a slow downward spiral. Too much Netflix, Twitter, News Headlines, and Youtube wormholes.

After a while, the algorithm gets you. It knows you. And then starts to turn you into what it thinks you are. The only way to break free is to get free.

This is much more difficult than it seems. Why? Dopamine.

Those ever so sweet dopamine chemicals swirling around in your brain! Blasting away like a 4th of July Fireworks Extravaganza every time you refresh your feed.

You think you can just turn that off and not pay a price? I don’t think so.

If you’re a “dope” addict like me, when you try to change over, you’re going to feel the void. And it’s going to be painful.

You’re going to be bored. And you can either embrace the boredom and sit with it or you can jump back on your pocket crack pipe and start scrolling.

I’m going to start reading books like it was an exercise program. I’ll put in my daily time. Over the months, I expect to get stronger. In a year, I expect to be a superman. (Reader that is)

And who knows…

Maybe I’ll get stronger at pull-ups too.

Because, I may be old, but I’m not dead yet.

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