don’t iF your life up

I’ve been in a really good mood lately.

I’m not sure why but my serotonin levels must be off the chart.

And let me just be honest.  I don’t have any major stressors in my life right now.

The question you have to ask yourself is this: Does this make me unqualified to talk about how to overcome difficult circumstances?

But the next question you must ask is this: Am I just lucky?  Or is it something else?

I’m knocking on wood here because I know death and destruction is always around the corner.  It waits for us all.  I’m not talking about how to escape these things.

I’m talking about how to deal with life when you aren’t getting what you hoped for.

And I want to start out by talking about one of the most dangerous words in the English language.


What makes this word so destructive?

Because most people use it this way:

  • I could get a better job…if I had a college degree
  • I could be happy….if I just had another $1K a month
  • I would be friendlier….if they were friendlier to me
  • I would be successful….if everyone else would just do what I say
  • I would be generous…if I just had a little more money
  • I could lose weight…if my wife would stop cooking so much

You get the idea.

IF takes away your responsibility and your control.

It allows you to hide behind excuses.

What are you struggling with?





Now think about how you’re using the word IF.  And turn it around.


What do you have control over?  Accept these things and leave the rest in the dust.

Jesus said you’ve got to know what’s in front of you first, then the things that are hidden will be seen.

The world is full of possibilities.  The world is abundant.

Your life can have abundance.

Your life can have purpose and meaning.


But maybe the circumstances in your life are blocking you from seeing the big picture.

Well that’s what I’m here for.  To show you a better way.  A new way to look.

Maybe you’re walking around blind……but I know the guy giving out free glasses.

The first thing you need to do, is get IF out of your vocabulary.

Your circumstances don’t matter.  And I know that sounds harsh but I don’t have a magic wand for them.  I do, however, have a magic wand to help you accept the situation you are in and RISE ABOVE.


It has potential for great things.  But also the potential to hold you down.

So be careful.

Be positive.

Be confident.

Be brave.

Be good.

Or at least…..

act as IF you are.



I’ll have an upcoming post on a better way to use IF.  So, until next time…….


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