Hippie Doctor’s Strange Cure for a Dull Life

If you’re one of my patients you already know that my goal for you is to live the best life you possibly can.

This doesn’t mean the happiest.

It means a life full of meaning and purpose.

My job is to help get you there.  Physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Abraham Maslow was a brilliant psychologist that explained what motivates people.  This later came to be knows as “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs“.

It goes like this: Physiological>Safety>Love>Esteem>Self-actualization.  

I won’t go into all the details.

But as you can see, self-actualization is at the top.   You can think of this as something like “meeting your full potential”.

And that makes a lot of sense.  We can see how that would be important and how that would be a great marker for psychological health.

But years later, Maslow described another NEED.  A HIGHER GOAL than he had previously considered.

And it was this:


Self-transcendence is seeing yourself as part of the whole universe.  And it’s playing your part to give back to something greater.

In other words, to live a truly “good” life we must live it together and in service to something other than ourselves.

What good is all our science and technology and 100 year life span if at the end nothing has changed?  No lives impacted.  No depression lifted.  No eyes dried.  No children hugged.  No storms sheltered.  No fears protected.

Has our reliance on knowledge over wisdom blinded us to our spiritual side?

My fear is that we cling too tightly to that which we can see and lose touch with the part of our consciousness that is to be felt.

My fear is that when we search for SELF, we will forget that is only where the search starts, and not where it ends.

Because if we only care about self-improvement, then we lose the most important part of being alive.

A group of my friends recently traveled to Haiti to build a well so that a bunch of folks that they will never see again have clean water to drink.

That is self-transcendence.

That is meaning.

When you give to something, you become something greater.

An easy life is not the goal.   More success is not the goal.  More Facebook likes is not the goal.  More  money is not the goal.

My life did not become easy by having more kids.  But my life is more meaningful.

I have a patient that is very successful in business.  Instead of trying to make more money, he donates time to helping others that struggle with addiction.

I know a group of men that meet once a month and periodically donate large sums of money to help rebuild places that have been damaged by tornadoes or hurricanes.

I know a guy that used to be one of the meanest JERKS you’d ever meet, until he had a granddaughter.  And then his whole world shook.

A life filled with purpose can change even the most hardened of souls.  I’ve seen it happen.  I’ve seen Heroin junkies transformed.  I’ve seen nasty drunks regain dignity.  I’ve seen recovered Meth addicts with growing families and a steady job.

Self help is not the key.  SELF TRUTH is the key.

Our first priority is to ourselves.  To change the world.  We must first change ourselves.  This means you’ve got to put on your own oxygen mask first before assisting those next to you.

As Jesus said “Take the 2×4 out of your own eye before worrying about the splinter in someone else’s.”

Instead of criticizing, critiquing, and complaining, try shining a little light into someone’s life.  Bring happiness to someone else and a little meaning is going to come your way as well.

Now please understand this: It won’t be easy!

Nope.  It’s going to be tough.

And you’re going to encounter some strong resistance.

Because let’s be honest…

It’s a brutal world out there.

And it’s a lot easier to complain about things than do something about them.

When people see you making positive changes, some are going to try and hold you back.

Because some people can’t stand to see others improve.  It reminds them too much of their own failures.

But your job is not to worry about them.

Your job is to stay on the path.

Because there’s plenty of people out there that need your help.  And my guess is with time….your critics will start to see the light as well.

Listen.  The world is full of painful memories and destructive forces.  Your past may have created you, but today start’s your future.

Maybe that starts with helping someone through their past pain.  And maybe by doing that, you find a way out yourself. Because, you never know what’s around the corner.

All it takes is a small light to shine in the darkness.

All it takes is one brave soul to walk the path for others to follow.

All it takes is one person to stand up and fight for what’s right.

If you’re reading this…if you got this far….then that means you’re ready.

Ready to be the one.

Ready to do big things.

Ready to rise up.

Ready to meet your potential face to face.

Ready…..to TRANSCEND.


If you need HELP with addiction: 662-499-2802


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R.I.P. Ray.  We miss you.

clp Written by:


  1. Harriet Clardy
    March 8, 2018

    I am learning so much from the podcasts and other info that Dr. Parks has put out there. I have been in treatment 5 times and when I nearly died on May 12, 2014, I knew that at 57 years old and a lifetime of destroying my body , I could be assured this was my last chance. It’s different right now because I think these folks really care about my issues. They care if I die or not. I’m terribly confused, but I’m searching for purpose and the will to stay on the journey. So dr. parks and staff: thanks for caring and for being willing to help me find what I am apparently looking for! 👍So grateful God led me to this place!!

    • clp
      March 8, 2018

      Thanks for this. It meant a lot

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