How to Use Animal Magnetism

The mind is a mysterious thing.

Did you know that “experts” can’t even agree on what the mind is?

Now before we get too far, let’s define terms.  For this purpose, “mind” will be defined as the seat of thoughts and consciousness.   But how much of your mind is connected to your body?  That’s the million dollar question.

We know the brain is a big part of the mind (kind of a no-brainer so to speak). But is there more?  Is there more to your thoughts than just chemicals and electricity?  It would seem so.

There is a force in the universe that flows through all things.  Something that connects us like a mystical puzzle piece.

So maybe the universe is mental.  Maybe there’s a mind controlling it all.

Our minds shape our lives.

Now, I want to teach you some basic mind control tricks.  Ways to hypnotize others and yourself.  I will ask you to use caution and to only use these powers for good.

I can only show you the basics here because I can’t risk this information being used haphazardly.

Most people will dismiss this as magical thinking.  And that’s okay.  I don’t care if people think I’m crazy.

1) Our brains control our emotions

I like to say things like: our mind controls our reality.  Or: our brains control our emotions.   I don’t say these things to be cliche.  I say them because they are the foundation for mind control.

Now, let me explain what this doesn’t mean.  It doesn’t mean that you can change the laws of physics or act supernaturally on your own accord.  It doesn’t mean you’re God.

Let me give you an example.  My daughter has a tumor and no matter how much “positive thinking” I do, the tumor size won’t change based on that.  So my mind control is not in order to affect the physical properties of her reality.  Instead, it is intended to affect my mind-body state so that I can be better for her.

We like to pretend we are rational beings.  The ability to think.  The ability to weigh our options.

But in reality our decisions are determined by our emotions.  And some people think we have no control over our emotions.  But that’s not true.

2) Positive thinking reduces stress

You can’t wish bad things away.

You can’t visualize a world without problems and immediately have your problems disappear.  It doesn’t work that way.

But you can use the power of positive thinking to limit unnecessary stress.

You can do this with journaling, practicing mantras, self talk, writing down goals, and visualization.

Shift your focus to things you can actually control.

3) Your brain can make you stronger

Ever wonder why professional athletes use sport’s psychologists?

Because being able to visualize success actually makes people successful.

Studies have shown that imagining yourself doing certain exercises can be more beneficial than not imagining them (although still less than if you actually did them).

How weird is that???

Studies have also shown that imagining practicing a musical instrument actually helped people learn the instrument.

Now it’s time to start carving out part of your day and spend time visualizing your success.  I don’t know what your goals are but it doesn’t matter.  Just get after it!

4) Forgive

This is tough.  If you’ve been wronged, you’ll fight against this.

But there is a freedom in forgiving.

It has the ability to lift a great weight off your shoulders.

If you want to be forgiven by others, start with forgiving someone else.

5) It ain’t about getting rich

People want to pray for things to get better.  I get that.

They also want to pray for more money.  Understandable.

But life is not about that.

Don’t get me wrong.  Money helps make life better.  We need enough money to cover basic things.  To keep our kids safe and fed.  To not worry if we can keep the lights on.  To stay healthy.  Etc.

Prosperity is abundant.

Maybe just not in the way we expect.

And that’s what’s so beautiful.

“You can’t always get what you want, but if you try…you just might find…you get what you need”.

—Rolling Stones

These are just the beginning steps of mind control, also known as animal magnetism.

Many people will want to know the nitty gritty.  Like…. how do you hypnotize someone else? How do you control them and make them do your bidding?

But if you’re asking those questions, then you’re asking the wrong questions and you’re not ready.

Just start with these five.

Let me know when you’re ready for the rest.


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dr Chris park

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