Suboxone, Subutex, and Pregnancy: Should You Stop If You’re Pregnant?



Now what?

Don’t turn this amazing time into an anxiety nightmare.

This video discusses my thoughts about pregnancy and treatment for opioid use disorder (subutex/buprenorphine).

This video is not intended to be medical advice.

Stay clean. Stay safe. Be happy.


a book with words:

clp Written by:


  1. July 12, 2019

    I’m really glad you made this video. I had sooke to you in middle of pregnancy on YouTube and now I’m almost due and going to be having my son… my doctor decided he is leaving the practice at the end of August (which is when my son will be born) and I live in pretty small town in wich there are not any suboxone doctors. the ones that are near (45 minutes away or more)are not accepting patients.So my doc said that he was going to give a 3 month supply before he is to leave . And I guess I’m going to have to figure it out on my own. I just hope it is possible. My doctor and I had a plan for detox . But then he all the sudden is doing this not just to me but to alot of others. I’m sure there are other doctors somewhere in New Mexico but not sure if I can go any further than the 45 minutes to the ones that are full and not accepting patients.. I will be seeing my regular doc at least one more time and I want to ask if he will allow me to taper …. I will ask him about you 16 week process. But I know from my understanding it could be longer … and I hope not have been on suboxone for about a year and a half. He has me on 8 mg once a day I just want off. It’s getting to difficult to even find a doctor… I cant believe he would leave after we had plans for my taper. But it’s happening. I thank you so much for your videos and wish you were in my area to help me. I seriously am stressed because of my doctors decision to leave but I guess it is something I’ll I have to figure out. Would of been nice if they would of prepared us more for it especially with my circumstances. They could of at least had a back up doctor to refer me to instead of leaving us in the dust.

    • clp
      July 12, 2019

      I’m sorry to hear that you will have to figure it out by yourself. We’ll be praying you can find a doctor that will help. The good news is that you’re only taking 8mg per day. My 16 week process is for someone starting at 24mg/day which means you’re already through most of it. That being said, the “16 weeks” is a little misleading. If your doc will give you a 3 month supply after you deliver, then ya’ll can probably come up with a solid taper plan with those #90 tablets. Because if you think about it, #90 tablets is only a 3 month supply if you stay on 8mg/day. It’s a 6 month supply if you’re taking 1/2 tablet per day. and so on and on. The further into your taper you get, the further those meds stretch. So I think if he gives you the 3 month supply, you’ll be able to do it. Good luck to you and good luck with the baby. Stay focused on the things that matter and stay strong. You can do this. Keep me posted and let me know if you have any questions.

  2. July 22, 2019

    Hey Doc, wanted to give you update. I have not had my son Josiah just yet but he is coming pretty quick. I talked to my doctor today so I start my taper tomorrow which I’m pretty scared about . He said that I wont feel withdrawl but I dont know yet . I am going down from 8 mg to 4 mg but I am splitting the 4 into 2 mg twice a day so we will see how this works . I will be on the 4 for a week then tapering again. My doctor is still leaving the practice but he promised we would do this before he goes. He said it will work . I remember withdrawing from suboxone on my own at one point and it was no fun lasted for 2 months until I decided to drag myself back to clinic. So I hope this is successful. He agreed that it would be easier on me and that I am ready. Wish me luck .

    • clp
      July 23, 2019

      Good luck and I’ll be praying for you and your growing family! Keep me posted

    • Juliette
      September 2, 2019

      Hey! I am 23 weeks pregnant, and on about 4mg a day of subs. How did your taper end up going? I would love to know’ I want to detox before having my daughter as well!

      • Emie
        December 8, 2019

        How has yours went? I’m comfortable at .40 but can’t get to .25. I’m still trying. Plan to jump there. I found it easy for the most part but struggling for this last part. Very annoying. How do I bet my own mind?

  3. S
    August 19, 2021

    Hello. So I am 5 weeks pregnant. I would really like to get off my suboxone I do not even want the risk of my baby going through NAS. Could I taper or is that just a bad idea all together… also what are the statistics of a baby having NAS with these medications? Is it high? Thanks in advance.

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