Why You Need to Ignore Those Voices In Your Head

With my job, people come to me for advice.  And it’s not always medical.

Sometimes it’s parenting advice.  Or how to deal with difficult relationships.  Financial advice.  Employment options.  How to interview better for a job.  Spiritual decisions.

You name it.  And I’ve probably been asked about it.

But let’s get something straight.  I’m not the expert.  I’m just a dude.  A dude with a cool job.

When I first started this blog and my Youtube channel, I quit before I ever actually got going.  There was a nagging voice in the back of my head.  You can’t do this.  No one cares.

The voice says all the things I’m afraid of.

But talk is cheap.  Thoughts are free.  Doing something costs.

A pound of flesh.

So you have to ask yourself…

Is it worth it?

For me it is.

I like to write about addiction because my patients don’t have much of a voice.  So I had to ignore my fears and do the work anyway.

You know the feeling…. when you’re losing weight, it gets harder as you get closer to your goal?

Well that’s what it’s like tapering off opiates.  The lower the dose, the harder it is.  The withdrawal gets worse.  The cravings claw at your brain.

You get closer to your goal…

and it just seems to get further away.

You set a goal to be completely off Suboxone, and then that day comes and goes.

It’s easy to feel hopeless.

You start to hear those voices in your head.

The ones that tell you to quit before you ever got going.  The ones that say you’re not good enough, not smart enough, not talented.  The ones that tell you no one cares.

There’s going to be days that you’ll want to give up.  You won’t be able to sleep because of restless legs.  You’ll have stomach cramps.  You’ll feel tired and anxious.

But you have to understand that the longer you fight, the stronger you become.

It’s in the struggle you find out who you are.

And since you’re reading this, I think you already know it.

You set your feet down firm.

You carry on.

Because talk is cheap.

And action is all that matters.


If you’re like me and don’t have it all figured out just yet, you might enjoy drinking my book because it’s dirt cheap on Amazon right now.


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Dr Chris Park


Pic of me picking up a kitten in Nicaragua.

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