I Know You’re Thinking About Giving Up. Here’s Why You Shouldn’t…

I was thinking about quitting.

In fact, I’ve thought about it a lot.

What I don’t want:  To be one of those annoying people that says they want to give up social media but spends all day on social media talking about how everyone should give it up.

What I do want: To do something meaningful with my time.

But this post isn’t about social media.

I keep hitting walls.  You can call it writer’s block if you want.

It’s kind of funny.  I feel a little aimless at times.  And I’m the guy that preaches PURPOSE, PURPOSE, PURPOSE.   But sometimes I just don’t feel it.

I don’t know if I should write more about addiction.  Or less.  More about philosophy.  Or less.  More practical advice.  Or less.

This is the problem when you have an audience.  You start to write thinking about what they want to read.  And in a way that’s good.  You want to serve.  You want to be useful.  You want to actually help someone.  But in the end, I can only really write for myself.  And if someone else likes it, then good.

It’s weird.  I’ll be completely done.  Done with Youtube, the website, Facebook, Instagram.   And then I’ll meet someone and they’ll tell me how it’s helped them.  How they were struggling with addiction or depression or anxiety or aimlessness……and now, they’re a little better.

And I’m convinced that it’s not the content that matters.  I don’t think you care if I edit the spelling or not.  I think maybe it’s because I’m telling the truth.  About us.  About our connections.  Our journey.

I’m not writing all this so I’ll get comments. “Hey, I read it.”  Keep writing” etc.

No, I’m writing this to say that every day I think about quitting…..

What about you?

Do you think about quitting?

Your dreams? Your goals? Your big ideas?

Here’s the deal though.  When things are tough, that’s the most important time to push ahead.   Because it’s just around the corner where growth happens.

I have this friend and she’s trying to make some positive changes in her life.

She wants to be there for her kid.  Or at the least she doesn’t want to make her kid’s life miserable any more.  So she starts to do some good.  She starts to crawl out of her hell.  Starts to make progress.  Gets sober.  Gets a makeover.  Gets aggressive about self improvement.

And then….BAM!  Rejection.  Depression.  Like hitting a brick wall.

Something happens just like it always will.  Something outside of your control.  Life gets tough.

And she lives in the past.  With all her guilt hanging around her neck, dragging her down.

So she quits.

Maybe not dramatically.  But she quits taking those small steps forward.  She looks back a little more every day to her past.   Wishing more to go back in time and fix things that she screwed up the first time around.

It’s hard to go forward when you’re staring in the rear view mirror all day.

And this is what I want her to see.  She does have a time machine.  But it doesn’t take you into the past. Or back to the future.  It only takes you to the present moment.  To change the NOW in order to change the future.

Let us grab the few things we have control of……

And let go of the rest.

Life is a mystical maze.  A fraction of a second and it slips away.

My kids are getting older.

I’m getting older.

So be it.

The world goes on.

Spinning into infinite potential.

I’d like to say that I have clarity.

But I’m just along for the ride.

A lot like you.

But we aren’t looking back.

We’re only looking forward.

Moving forward.

Step by step.

In the only time we have left….






Thanks for reading and feel free to comment or share.


And here’s a link to my book if you’re interested in those kinds of things


clp Written by:


  1. Jay
    March 24, 2019

    Wow, this really hit home, it’s really amazing that you offer your help on the tube, so many people (like myself) are now hooked on suboxone, I wish I knew better to just suffer the 7-10 days of opiate Withdrawl opposed to being on suboxone for 3-4 years now,, and feeling like they are way worse to come off, EVERYDAY IS A CONSTANT BATTLE and would really love to be 100% clean for the first time in many many years, unfortunately the only time I have been clean was in the prison system and sooner then later I found what I was looking for in there as well.,

    • clp
      March 24, 2019

      Keep pushing forward!

      And Thanks for the comment

    April 4, 2019

    As you know I am one of your biggest fans not only for giving me the tools to change my life as my doctor (whom I appreciate more than you can ever know! ) but for all these other outlets you bless us all with! You would be amazed at the many times I find myself struggling through my day not necessarily with drug related issues but life in general. So I come here to your site or YouTube channel and I can always find something relevant to what I am feeling and the way you explain or express things just gives me the help I need to push through. I for one can guarantee your work and efforts are not a waste of time! You don’t even realize the impact you have on people’s lives! Which is what makes you so good at it. You treat us all as people, like we matter, instead of like trash as many other doctors do. As long as I live I will never be able to thank you enough! Please don’t ever stop what you do because you don’t know how many people need you!

    • clp
      April 7, 2019

      Thank you. It means a lot!

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