Harvard Scientist’s SHOCKING Discovery! Was JESUS Right All Along?

For the past 80 years, Harvard scientists have been studying men and trying to decide: What makes a good life?  What makes people happy?

It’s called the Harvard Study of Adult Development.  Also called the Grant and Glueck Study.

The study began with Harvard graduates in 1939 but then spread to include men from inner city Boston.

It’s possible this started out to see if genetics determined success.  (Heck, even JFK was a part of the study!)

They tracked physical health, mental health, job selection, financial success, children, etc.

The research discovered something remarkable.

(Well maybe not that shocking depending on who you are. Maybe you and I could have saved them the time, but it’s still good to see the research backing up what we already knew to be true.)

These Harvard scientists discovered the key to happiness.

Do you think you could guess?

Do you think you could predict?

Want to know how to have an abundant life?

Well, it’s just what Jesus said…..


Yep.  That’s right.

It’s not money or success or power.  Not Facebook friends, Instagram followers, YouTube subscribers.  Not whether you’re president of the United States, a best selling author, a janitor in Massachusetts, or a doctor in Mississippi.  It’s not the number of sales you make or the promotions you get.  Not the size of your house or how many kids you raise.

It’s relationships!

It’s the connections you make with those few people you bring into your life.

But we aren’t talking about some hippie dippie cheesy b.s.

We’re talking about the real deal.

If you want to be happy in life, then you will have to learn to cope with difficult times, argue without fighting, and find someone you can truly be honest with.   Because let’s face it.  Life is going to get rough. You will need support.  And you will need to give support.  You need to know there will be someone there for you (and maybe I should add….through sickness and health, through the good and the bad, til God calls us home kind of love).

I admit that I believe a lot of life is choice.

And though no one would admit that they choose to be unhappy, it’s the choices that they do make that leave me scratching my head and wondering…..WHY?

We don’t get to pick what calamities fall upon us.  We don’t get to decide how other people treat us.  But we do get to choose how we respond.  We choose our emotions and our actions.  And if you choose the wrong emotions and the wrong actions over and over again, then you’re naturally going to find yourself in a bad place.

But I also know….

It’s not that simple.

If you’re struggling with happiness, then I’d suggest doing something drastic: TRY LOVE.

Double down on relationships.

If you’re depressed….stop reading this….get out of your head……get off the internet…..turn off the t.v……and find a person to talk to.  A real person.  A living, breathing person.

Make connections.  Learn to forgive.  Learn to be forgiven.

A strong relationship (romantic or not) is not just how you share the good times, it’s also how you handle the tough times.

Does your partner or friend feel safe to be themselves? To speak their minds? To be vulnerable? Do you?

Are you growing?

Are you pushing each other to achieve new things and to be the best versions of yourselves?

Now….I’m not supposed to do this.

But I’m about to give you some medical advice.

Want to know the NUMBER ONE predictor for physical health at 80?

Answer: The quality of your relationships at 50.

I’m not saying you should stop your cholesterol medicine, but the next time your doctor asks for fasting blood work: consider giving your wife a kiss.  Tell your kids that you’re proud of them.  Call up that old friend you haven’t seen in a while. (Get the labs done too, of course)

You get the idea.

Maybe you don’t have any close relationships.

But you’re not dead yet.

So get to work.


Because it might just save your life.

But what do I know?

I didn’t go to Harvard.

Grant Study

clp Written by:


  1. Phillip Palmer
    September 10, 2019

    Hey Doctor Park. You probably don’t remember me but that’s not important. I enjoy your writings. You’re a very insightful man. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Looking forward to reading more.

    • clp
      September 11, 2019

      Thank You!

  2. Rick
    September 12, 2019

    Hola Doc. A question I’ve wanted to ask before and never got around to it. Do you see addictive people working through their lives better when they are serving, not superficially but true loving and caring, other struggling people. Just from myself and observations, it seems when we are truly trying to love others we tend to help, love, whatever you call ourselves.

    • clp
      September 12, 2019

      Yes! Definitely. Finding purpose and giving back makes a HUGE change in people’s lives

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