Control Your Mind or Your Mind Controls You (Cognitive Distortions and Reframing Negative Thoughts)

Negative thinking can ruin your life.

That doesn’t mean all pessimists are wrong or that there’s no value in considering negative outcomes.

But negative thinking can lead to cognitive distortions which in turn can lead to depression, anxiety, despair.

Cognitive distortions are thinking patterns that negatively impact your life.

Examples of cognitive distortions include (but are not limited to):

  1.  Blaming others
  2.  Ignoring positive events
  3.  Expecting life to be fair
  4.  Overgeneralization
  5.  Jumping to conclusions
  6.  Magnifying negative outcomes

We all have these thought patterns at times. The idea is to understand them, identify them, and reframe them before they take anchor inside your soul.

It’s not always easy.

But you either control your mind or your mind controls you.


Never forget that you are not alone. We are all in this thing together. Good luck and God speed!


You can check out my book here:


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