Does this MIND DIET Prevent Alzheimer’s?

What if there was a diet that could prevent Alzheimer’s disease?

I know what you’re thinking…

You can’t trust a doctor to give nutrition advice. And maybe you’re right. Because navigating nutrition science is like trying to read a book written by a bipolar politician with a crack pipe. It can be difficult to tell what the truth is.

But, if you’re worried about dementia or cognitive decline from a stroke, then the MIND diet might be just what you’re looking for.

What exactly is the MIND diet?

Well, the acronym MIND stands for Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay.

Here’s how the basics…

Scientists took aspects of the Mediterranean diet, the DASH diet, and combined it with particular foods groups that have shown cognitive benefits. And with that, the MIND diet was born.

Their aim was to prevent Alzheimer’s dementia.

And, if that’s not a lofty goal, I don’t know what is.

Every day you hear of a new diet. Most of these are just the same old recycled restrictive eating mumbo jumbo designed to sell books.

And if I sold a 6 weeks to Your Bikini Body: The Ebook Guide to A Skinny Life, I’d be rich. But I don’t. And I’m not.

This is not that kind of diet.

The MIND diet isn’t to help get you ready for the summer. It’s to help you enjoy many more summers to come.

But what about the science?

The research so far has been promising.

One study showed slowing cognitive decline after a stroke.

Another study showed that following this diet could cut your risk of Alzheimer’s in half.

Heck, even just kind of following the diet has shown some benefit. Which for me is what really got me interested. Because I fall off diets like a one legged baboon trying to break-dance on ice.

Now, maybe you don’t care about the science. You just want me to tell you what to eat. Okay fair enough.

Here’s what the diet is all about.

It gives you certain food categories to include in your diet and certain foods to limit.

Let me break it down for you:


Nuts: 5x per week

Berries: 2x per week

Grains: 3 servings per day

Green leafy vegetables: 5x per week

One other vegetable: daily

Fish: Once a week

Chicken or Turkey: Twice a week

Beans: 3 to 4x a week

Olive Oil: This should be your main oil for cooking.

Wine: One glass a night. (Note anything over that can cause cognitive decline. So if you can’t keep it at one, then it’s better to abstain all together)

Eat Less of This:

Red Meat: Less than 4 servings per week

Butter/margarine: Less than 1 Tsp per day

Cheese: Less than one serving per week

Pastries: Less than 4 servings per week

Fried food: Less than once per week

Now before you start shouting about “Carbs” or that you’re keto or that this diet allows more pastries than cheese, keep in mind the purpose of this diet. PREVENT DEMENTIA!

That doesn’t mean that a low carb diet will hurt you. In fact, some people thrive on lower carb diets. And if you get your weight under control, a lot of your risk factors for heart disease and stroke dramatically improve. So there’s that.

But just because your grandmother’s cousin’s boyfriend’s sister is on keto and hit the lottery doesn’t mean you should trade your blueberries for pork rinds and take up black jack

Here’s what I like about this diet approach:

It encourages consumption of good food and it doesn’t cut out anything completely. It focuses more on what you can add to your diet, instead of beating you over the head with what you need to quit.

I think this will allow a lot more people to ease in and start making positive changes in their life.

What I don’t like:

Restrictions on saturated fat, red meat, cheese, etc.

I think there’s enough evidence now that these foods are not as bad as once thought. But that being said, maybe limiting them will help with your brain. I’m not sure, but as of right now, the research is pointing in that direction.

Also note, there is a longer study on the MIND diet that should be finishing up soon and results reported sometime this year. I’ll keep you posted.

In the mean time…

Have a glass of wine on me…

Say a toast to your family, friends, and all the memories you hold close to your heart.


Don’t drink soda. It’s not mentioned. But just don’t do it. It’s garbage.


I don’t know if this will work for you. I claim nothing. Just trying to give you a little information.

This is not medical advice. Don’t take medical advice from the internet. Talk to your doctor.


If you’d like to pre-order a copy of 6 weeks to Your Bikini Body: The Ebook Guide to A Skinny Life, send me a message 😉

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