How to Pray if You’re an Atheist

Every Wednesday I have lunch with a group of friends.

We’ve been friends since high school.  Every time we eat lunch, we say a blessing over the food.

Now before you accuse us of piety, let me just say this, none of us are that religious. It just so happens that this is our tradition. And we stick to it. A couple of the guys laugh at it, but they still go along to get along, so to speak.

Do you pray?

You may be wondering if prayer actually does anything. I’ve wondered the same thing.

You see, I’ve prayed for things to happen before and they didn’t.

What’s up with that? Doesn’t the Bible say if we have faith we can move mountains?

I didn’t even want to move mountains. I just wanted some sick people healed. Seemed like a no-brainer. So, why no answer?

To my atheist friends, the answer to this is easy. Prayers don’t get answered because God doesn’t exist. But what if they’re wrong?

One of my favorite prayers is found in Mark 9:24.

I Believe, help me with my unbelief.”

This basically sums up the majority of my prayer life.

A friend recently asked me if you can change God’s mind. If not, then why pray? If so, why?

I wanted to give this some serious thought before answering.

And I should preface this by telling you, I have no authority on the subject. I have zero theological understanding and far from perfect (unless you ask my wife) 😉

So with that being said, let’s talk about prayer.

What exactly do we mean when we say the word “pray”?

Prayer is not just “talking to God”, it’s a participation in divinity. It has been described as a raising of the heart or a look towards heaven. A brief connection that will only be fully realized when (God willing) we are joined with Him in the Beatific Vision.

Prayer is not coins for a cosmic vending machine. Yes, it’s good to ask for good things. But it’s not just about asking for things. God understands our need. He dismisses our greed.

Prayer is bowing your head and placing yourself under God’s authority. An unworthy soldier pledging allegiance to the King.

Now, realize this: God’s authority is made known through His Love.

“Have faith and your prayers will be answered” does not mean have faith that your prayers will be answered. It means, have faith in God’s love.

You see, prayer connects us to God’s will. While it does seem God changes his mind at times, His plan is a mystery too great for me to understand.

Fathers still walk away. Children still die. Wars still rage. Saints are still beheaded.

Prayer, then, is more than turning the tide of inevitability. It is the holding of a candle in the darkest of corners.

Do you ever look up at the stars at night and think about how crazy the Universe is?

We’re on this rock that’s spinning about 1000mph through a vast emptiness.  If we were on a space ship and going as fast as possible, it would take us 2700 human generations to get to the next closest star.

God’s ways are so far above our ways. How can we, specks of dust in an ocean of time, ever raise our voices to the creator of it all?

Because once upon a time, God walked with us.

And now, within this life, we are given the ability to speak words into His creation and incarnation.

To bring joy.

To bring good news.

To bring hope.

And most of all…

To bring love.

And within this cosmic wilderness of chaos, He gives us something: Prayer.

A way for our feeble minds and our broken hearts to launch upwards and participate in a great banquet where all are invited, but to which only the poor in spirit seem to find the door.


St. Joan of Arc, pray for us.  For courage and vision.

St. Jude, pray for us. Lost causes that we are.

Blessed Mother Mary, pray for us. Broken souls most in need of your Son’s mercy.

atheist prayer


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One Comment

  1. Leah
    October 17, 2020

    Really good CP!

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