5 Practical Tips For Managing Your Anxiety

Okay.  So sometimes I’m too weird.

I get that.

And sometimes I have a thought in my head but it just gets jumbled and I can’t seem to express it the right way.

Like right now.

I was going to keep this post simple.  Just give you a few things to do every day if you struggle with anxiety.

And I’ve already screwed that up by writing this intro.

I could erase it…

but I’m too lazy.

So here it is…

5 Practical Tips for Improving Anxiety

A) Talk to yourself

When you start to feel anxious: Stop, Take a minute, and Remind yourself that you’re okay.

I know this seems strange but the more you do this, the more it works.

Practice positive thinking.

Have a phrase that you will turn to when you start to feel the anxiety brewing.

Count backwards from 100 by 7s.

Create a routine that you follow and it will become second nature.

Your zen self can thank me later.

B) Turn down the dial

Anxiety is not an on/off switch.

Don’t think you can just turn it off and be calm.

Instead, focus on turning down the dial.  Just lessen your overall feelings of panic.

Visualize yourself literally turning down a dial and see yourself feeling better.

The more you practice this visualization the more powerful it will be.

Your dial turning abilities will improve with time.

C) Drink More Water

When you start to feel stressed, drink a large glass of water.

Start cutting out your caffeine.   Constant caffeine throughout the day can increase cortisol levels.  Basically, you’re putting yourself in a fight or flight situation and making the body feel stressed.

I know, I know, I know.  I’m a coffee addict.  It’s true.  But I’m trying to be better.  And that’s the point.


And if you won’t listen to me…

Then maybe you’ll listen to Adam Sandler and get yourself some “high quality H2O”.

D) Stop Trying to Be Perfect

If you notice, I don’t follow conventional writing rules.

Who cares?

It’s my blog and you’re reading it.

If I worried about being perfect, I’d never have posted a single article.  And then the world would be sad (okay, that’s not really true but you get the point).

E) Run like your life depended on it

Get outside and do something.

Sign up for the St Jude half-marathon and start training.

But it doesn’t have to be running.

Try kickboxing for 15 minutes.

Go to a batting cage.

Get aggressive with your ping pong game.

Just do something that’s fun to you.

Push yourself to new limits.

Set goals.  Break them.  Repeat the process.

This will flood your body with endorphins and positive feedback.

Stay busy.

You’ll feel better, have more energy, and sleep better.  Then it just becomes automatic.


There you go.

None of my philosophical mumbo jumbo.

Just 5 practical tips to help you with your anxiety.




Don’t watch the news.

Try fasting from social media for a few days.

Only read things that are positive and uplifting (cough, ahem)…

like this


Talk to your doctor if you struggle with anxiety.


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