10 Things to Start Doing Today if You Have ZERO Energy (also… my top secret smoothie recipe)

I slept in this morning.

Got up at 5:30.

Made coffee.

Said some prayers.

Read a little.  Wrote for about an hour.  Then I went for a 5 mile walk/run with my wife.

Drank a large cup of water (with a pinch of salt added).  Made a super smoothie (recipe below).  Then started writing again.

The days become what we make them.

But what if you just don’t feel like you have the energy to do anything?

Fatigue is one of the most common problems I see in the clinic.

There’s just something about our current culture that beats us down and zaps our energy.

When people come to me with “no energy”, the first thing I do is look for medical reasons.  An illness or deficiency.  I take a thorough history, do an exam, and often order labs.

But what if all the labs are normal?  And there’s no “diagnosis”?

Here are 10 things I find are often neglected or overlooked.

This list isn’t exhaustive, but these are common problems that we tend to neglect, at our own peril.

(Also, this isn’t medical advice.  Don’t take advice from doctors on the internet.)

10 Things You Need to Start Doing Today, if You want More Energy

Josie's Hair


a) Hydrate

You’re not drinking enough water!

I guarantee this.

I aim for a gallon a day.  This goal will be different for different people. (Talk to your doctor about what amount your body might need.)

It might seem counterintuitive, but whenever I trade water for coffee, I feel more energized.  Put down the soda and Red Bull.  Pick up a cold glass of H2O.

(If you’re drinking distilled water, add a pinch of salt.  You won’t be able to taste it, but it will help keep the minerals you need in your body.)

Katherine Park

b) Exercise

I personally prefer a mix of strength training, walking/running, and Jiu Jitsu, but I don’t care what you do.

As long as you’re pushing yourself for at least 30 minutes most days of the week.  Do something you enjoy, and you’ll be more likely to stick with it.

Also, if you have diabetes…

Here’s an exercise hack for better glucose control:

Try walking 10 minutes three times a day after each meal.  

Katherine park

c) Food is Energy.  Eat Right.

I once recommended someone add blueberries to their diet due to some issues they were experiencing.  They balked because they were strict Keto.  I’m not bashing any diets here, but if your diet says yes to pork rinds and no to blueberries….there might be a problem.

Eat the right kinds of food!

Too many people are afraid of the dreaded CARBS.  Well, that’s silly.  Your brain literally runs on glucose.

This doesn’t mean fuel yourself with ice cream and Oreos.

Eat good carbs.

Eat fruits, veggies, oatmeal.  Try new things.

(I’ve been experimenting with Hemp seeds and blueberries.  I’ll give you a recipe down below.)

d) Healthy Sex Life

I’ll keep this PG.  I think the title speaks for itself.

e) Put Down The Phone

You need dedicated time off your phone.

Try dopamine fasting and scheduled breaks from social media, email, YouTube, etc.

This is going to leave you alone with your thoughts.  That’s a good thing!

Distance yourself from social conditioning, and you might actually find out what you really believe in.

izzy park

f) Sleep

We all know we need it.

And yet somehow it’s the first thing we ditch when our over stuffed schedules demand more from us than we should give.

Aim for 8 hours.  I admit, I don’t get this.  But I try to get up early, and that makes going to sleep early easier.

It’s also okay to take a nap from time to time.

Don’t feel guilty.  Your body needs it.

If you have trouble falling asleep:  Make sure you’re not reading or watching TV in bed.  Do those things somewhere else and only go to bed when ready to go to sleep.  Try meditating when laying down.   If all else fails, try some Valerian root tea or melatonin (not medical advice).

Definitely talk to your doctor if you fall asleep during the day (especially when driving), you snore, or stop breathing when sleeping.

g) Set Goals and Make a Plan

Too many people are wandering around aimless in life.

They let everything just happen to them.  No goals.  No plans.  Just reacting to their environment.

But not us.  We do things differently around here.

Have a vision for your life.  And set things in motion.

See what happens.

Aiden Park

h) Get Rid of the Junk

If you’re like us and  have a lot of kids, then you know that it’s nearly impossible to have a clean and organized house all the time.

Sometimes you just have to stop and make a point to get rid of the excess.  And somehow when you’re done, you feel so much better.

I don’t exactly know why this helps, but it does.

Get rid of the clutter in your house.

This is easier said than done.  But try it out.

Start with a drawer or closet.  Minimize like crazy.  Throw things out, give things away, have a yard sale.

Whatever you need to do to clean things up, do it.

When your home life is less cluttered, you’ll start to feel more free and less burdened.


i) Unplug from the Bulls**t and Be Good To Your Brain

Focus on your mental health.

If you’re overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, depressed….

Then it’s not uncommon to be seriously fatigued.

Think about all the toxins we let into our life.  When you “feed” your brain junk, then that’s the kind of mindset you’ll have.

Too many people poison their brain with greed, lust, anger, and ignorance.

Instead of these poisons, feed your brain a little self-love, gratitude, temperance, and wisdom.

Unfollow the Instagram influencers.  Don’t watch the news.  Unplug from society’s bullshit.

Continue to evolve and grow as a person and I promise you’ll start to feel better.

Or at the least, you’ll just be better.  Either way, it’s a win.

Dr Chris Park

j) Don’t Ever Give Up

No matter how hard it can seem at times, life is precious and rare.

This isn’t an excuse for the struggle.  It just is what it is.

Never give up hope.

Always push forward.

Even on the days that seem toughest.  The days that you want to throw in the towel.

Those are the times it’s most important to continue on.

And if you just can’t do anything.  You’re just too tired to even try…

Go outside.  Get some sunshine if it’s available.  Stand in the rain if it’s not.  Just do something small.

Your path will lead you to some strange and beautiful places, but you have to keep your eyes open if you want to see it.

And just remember, you’re not just doing this for you.

Because you might be the only example of hope for someone else.  No pressure.

Good luck my friends!

suzy sunshine


I’ve been working on some health hacks that my patients can use to give them more energy and improve their overall health.

One thing you have to realize about diet is that most people think diets are all about losing weight.

Well, that’s not how I see them.  Food is energy.  Food is nutrition.

You can actually be overweight and underfed.

What I mean is, you can starve yourself of micronutrients while over eating calories.

I see this all the time.

Instead of looking at what not to eat, start looking at what you need to eat.

Here’s a simple smoothie that will help you start your morning out right!

Doc Park’s Lean Green Machine:

  • 1 cup frozen blueberries
  • 2 large handfuls of spinach or kale
  • 1/2 cup soy milk
  • 1 banana (frozen are better)
  • 1/2 Tsp Hemp seeds
  • 1/2 Tsp Chia seeds
  • Water/Ice to taste

You can add protein powder if you want (I normally do) and you can sprinkle granola on top.  Sometimes I add Moringa powder.

Just remember that the more you add, the more calories it has.  But the idea is not for weight loss….

The idea is to get your morning started with a heap of natural energy, vitamins, and nutrients…

to fuel your day, so you can live the life you want.

And that sounds awfully good to me.

Doc Park's Lean Green Machine


Click on the links above for some of the products I use.

Let me know if you have a favorite smoothie recipe.


Talk to your doctor about what’s best for you.


I’m working on a new book.

If you haven’t read the old one, get a copy here

clp Written by:


  1. Yolonda harris
    August 1, 2020

    This was a short read that I REALLY needed! Ty,

  2. Chris Clapp
    September 16, 2020

    I have another random comment for us addicts out there. I got out of the Marine Corps and was addicted to alcohol. It switched to opiate addiction after a major leg injury. I never gave up and always gave it the same effort as I did with things in the military. Without Jesus and God I wouldn’t be where I am today though. I know a few other veterans that attest to this as well. My will alone wasn’t enough. Amen! 🙂 I’m back in college and on track for medicine as a career. My mentor was a former addict and a current physician at the medical college of Wisconsin. He also never gave up on me. Thanks to all the health care professionals out there who help and care for us! Thanks to you too Dr. Park 🙂 Amen!

    • clp
      September 16, 2020

      Thanks for the encouragement and good luck with your journey. Medicine is a very rewarding career. If I can ever help you in any way, please let me know.

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