this is the axis on which the world pivots

There is nothing accidental in the world.

All causes have previous causes.  All happenings take place and follow certain physical laws.  We can understand these laws by studying physics.

But to understand physics, we need to understand math.

And to understand math, we need to understand logic.

But logic is immaterial.  It can’t really be seen or touched.  It can only be reasoned.  Which means we have to use logic to either prove it or disprove it.

To bypass this circular reasoning, we have to make a presupposition.  We have to assume that logic exists.

This is why I say that all people have a worldview and all people make assumptions.

There is nothing in our science textbooks that can follow if we don’t at first make immaterial assumptions on first principles.

This is the axis on which the world pivots.

A bright and shining star that leads us to a small baby, lying in a manger.

Our brains want scientific proof.   We demand empirical evidence.

And yet God says that no sign will be given to us, except this….

For 3 days in the grave….

And then the world moves.

Out of nothing, nothing comes

But here we are.

Alone together.

Our swords, sharp and ready but perfectly content in their sheaths.

The dust of our inheritance washed from our feet.

And our Creator smiles.

And tells us to take rest.

For life is a celebration.

Of first principles and presuppositions.

In the beginning was the Logos.  The divine Reason, Logic, Wisdom, Word.

And the Word became flesh.

And walked among us.

To bring us rest.

And to celebrate.  First principles and presuppositions.

The making of the world.  Out of nothing.

Our world is a mirror world.  Where glimpses of the Other are always in view yet slightly skewed.  And yet we are blessed with mystical beauty and revelations.  Like the birth of a child.  Or a life well lived.  Or a purple and orange sunset.

The makings of our mirror world and the complexity of a clock are one and the same.

And now are eyes are open.  To first causes and presuppositions.

Out of nothing, nothing comes.

The Watchmaker whispers.  And the Universe is in view.

The world is set on an axis.

For 3 days in the grave….

And then the world moves.

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