Does Technology Prove the Existence of God?

What do you believe?

Can technology replace God or does technology require God?

I am always fascinated with people’s justifications for the things they do.  I’ve studied sociology, psychology, religions, and cults.

Atheists claim we don’t need God.  We can discover what needs to be discovered.  We can explain what needs to be explained.  If not now, then some day.

Our advanced technology is our proof.

But what is often lost is the questions left unsaid, the assumptions laid down, the bottom line left translucent.

Here’s what I mean:

If we assume technology as advancement, then we presuppose advancement as the ideal.  If we say it is good (because things like treating asthma and fighting cancer are good) then we assume a moral standard. Our argument becomes not one of science and technology but one of transcendent rights and wrongs.

If we say morality is subjective, then the one that seeks to destroy all civilization is no more morally wrong than the one that wants to serve it.

We become utilitarians, trying to make decisions on what is the best good for the most people.  Or at the least, what’s the least amount of harm.  But this presupposes that something that is good for people is something that actually matters.

These types of mind games beg for a constant.

A standard.

An objective marker to determine what is and what should be.

What do you think that objective is?

Or maybe I should say, Who do you think that is?


Just a little something to think about.

Make sure you listen to the podcast or watch the video and if you like this kind of stuff, give me a rating on iTunes or a shout out on social media.

Much love and thanks.


If you’re looking for more spiritual type stuff (written by a guy that has no business writing that kind of stuff), then might I suggest you have a sip of this

Dr Chris Park

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