How to Find What You’ve Always Been Looking For

I have this friend.

She may or may not be a heroin addict.

She may or may not be pregnant.

She may or may not have lost custody of her children to DHS.

She may or may not be on the verge of a mental breakdown.

It’s easy to judge her.  Easy to point the finger. Easy to say you’d never do that or put yourself in that situation.

And hopefully you wouldn’t.  Hopefully you’ll never have to know what you would do.

But she’s turning things around.  Getting things right.  Little by little.

I tell her it’s a process.  I tell her a month of good decisions can’t undo a year of bad decisions. But it’s a start.

Every step down the path of grace is a step outside of hell.

Every decision made in the present moment takes you further from your past or buries you deeper in it.

The choice is yours.

The right path won’t be easy.  And it won’t make all your dreams come true.  At least not right away.

The journey to Oz might have a golden brick road, but there’s a witch out there with flying monkeys trying to take you down and steal your shoes.

Keep walking.

Keep fighting.

Keep pushing forward.

No retreat.

No surrender.

The way out is through.

The way out is the way in.

Inside yourself.


 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

—Luke 17:21


And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.

—Jeremiah 29:13



I don’t always write about addiction or religion…..nah who am I kidding…..that’s all I write about.  Want to read the book everyone’s been talking about?

(and by everyone I just mean my mom)

Dr Chris Park

clp Written by:


  1. Laurie Elrod
    May 3, 2019

    Love the book Dr Park!!!! Makes a lot of sense to me. You done good young man…

    • clp
      May 3, 2019


  2. Brenda Johnson
    May 4, 2019

    I would love to read this book, while I was reading the posts that’s u wrote I was 😓 ,

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