Stoicism As A Weapon Against Addiction


If you’re not careful, life can get out of control.

And many our circumstances are out our of our hands.

But that doesn’t mean we are helpless.

Stoicism is the philosophy of control. Controlling the things you can and letting go of the things you can’t.

There’s a reason the serenity prayer is the prayer of addicts.  Because it works.

Life is going to come at you sideways.  We all have to face death and sickness and heartache. But those things don’t have to overwhelm us.

Stoicism has helped me tremendously and I think it can help you too.

Thanks for watching.


check out my book, because you might like to read:


Serenity prayer:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.


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