5 Reasons You’re Depressed BALD HEAD!

“Stop telling us what to do BALD HEAD!”

This was a comment I got on a Youtube video once.

I was encouraging people to stop using heroin. Obviously this person didn’t appreciate it.

Hey, but no one wants to be preached to. I get that.

So here I am again and I’m going to tell you what to think and do. Or more importantly, what not to think or do. Take it with a grain of salt because I’m bald and somehow that seems to matter.

5 Reasons You’re Depressed

1) You want to change the world

Life can be a struggle.  You see the problems.  And you’re so sure that you have all the solutions.

But you can’t fix the world.  Hell, you probably can’t even fix yourself.

So here’s the idea…

Instead of getting all worked up over things you can’t control (like national politics), start looking at the things you can control (like improving your local community).

Don’t try to change the world.

Instead, own it.

Own every decision, mistake, and success in your tiny little world.

Now watch your world expand.

2) You don’t think you’re  “good enough”

This isn’t humility.  It’s self sabotage.

You become exactly who you tell yourself you are.

Time to bring in some positive thinking. Set some goals. Make some progress.

Quit listening to the people that say you’re nothing more than an evolved ape.

You were created in the image of God.

You carry the Divine spark.

Now let it shine!

3) You think that nothing good ever happens to you

Take off the blinders.

See the whole picture.

The more you skew your view, the more difficult it will be to see real truth and beauty.

Nothing is perfect.  But it’s your responsibility to bring goodness to your small corner of the planet.

Own your world.

“Now you’re just repeating yourself doc”

Yep.  I am.

But listen to this…

If you think nothing good ever happens to you…

What about the fact you’re reading this right now?


What am I chop suey?

Learn to appreciate these small gifts 😉

4) You Waste the High of Being Alive

Enjoy the ride.

Then pass the joint.

It’s not that life is too short, it’s that people waste most of theirs.

5) I’m not a pessimist, I’m a realist

Stop being a pessimist, a realist, a pacifist.

Start being a brutal optimist.

Fight for the things that need to be fought for.

Protect those that can’t protect themselves.

Live your life with purpose.

And never let anyone take that away from you.


But hey, what do I know?

I’m no saint.

Just a dude with a lot of thoughts rattling around inside his bald head.

But if you’re struggling with depression…

This just might help


Dr Chris Park

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