The 3 Poisons of the Mind!

Our problems do not come from someone else.

Our problems come from within.

They take root and start to grow.

There are 3 things that are a cancer to your psychological health.

Buddhists call these the 3 Poisons.

The 3 Poisons of the Mind

1) Anger/Hate

2) Greed

3) Ignorance

These 3 poisons lead to:  Psychological torment.  Depression.  Anxiety.  Sadness.  Pain.

They boil up inside and destroy everything in their path.

They are the enemy of happiness.

But for every poison, there is a cure.

The cure:

1) Love/kindness

2) Generosity/contentment

3) Wisdom

When we are able to detach ourselves from our emotional reactions, we can start to live our lives in line with our nature.

We can start to see the way of things.

The path.

In other words, sometimes we just need to chill a little.  Slow things down.  And just let things be.

Maybe they could be better.  Or maybe not.

But maybe we need to stop trying so damn hard and just try to let go.

To let go of the things that don’t matter.

To let go of our desire to control others.

To let go of our desire to be perfect.

To let go of our desire to be liked.

To let go of our desire to hold on to things long gone.

To accept that everything changes.

To accept that we are a few blinks away from closing our eyes forever.

To accept that we do not need anything else to be complete.

To accept that we already have everything we need.

And maybe,

just maybe…..

We’ll find our way through this thing…..



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