Here’s What You Need to Know about Lucemyra for Opiate Withdrawal

We all know opiate withdrawal can be brutal.

But there’s a new medication that might be able to help.

Lucemyra is a non-addictive, non-opioid medication that has been approved for the treatment of opiate withdrawal.

It is typically only taken for 9 days during peak withdrawal time.

Is Lucemyra right for you?  Watch the video and talk to your doc.


If you have have a loved one struggling with addiction……read this.

clp Written by:


  1. Tina
    February 8, 2019

    Does this have naltexone in it. I have found due to my own recovery that suboxone didn’t work for me. I had to wait up. 48 hours before I was able to take it so for those 48 hours I was very sick and going through withdrawal which makes it hard to have to wait… nevertheless I did and when I took the suboxin it put me into deep instant withdrawal which didn’t help me at all. I went and used. I have since went on a methadone program and I’m going on 5 years clean this March 4th 2019 and I’m on 10 mg and coming down 2 milligrams every other month along with continued therapy.. My concern is this the program that I belong to in New jersey the old director was great he ran this place for 30 yrs…he has retired and and there’s a new director in place and when people who are doing well 6 to 7 months clean and mess up are being administratively detoxed, which to me is outrageous… when you do fall there is to be therapy put in place to try to help you understand why after 3, 4 or 5 months you would sabotage your own recovery and that’s what therapy is for….this place now lacks the therapeutic alliance you are supposed to have and people aren’t getting the level of care they deserve… so that’s why I asked about this new non-opioid drug for withdrawal because if it’s anything like Suboxone and you have to wait 48 or 36 hours or 72 hours it’s very hard for an addict to wait that long to take something so I’m wondering can it be taken right away or is there a waiting period…

    • clp
      February 8, 2019

      It does not have any naloxone in it. It is specifically to help with withdrawal symptoms. I’ll go ahead and tell you that there’s no easy way, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. You can do it!!!

  2. Susan
    April 3, 2019

    Okay here my story the pain medicine was making me sick so i was switched back and forth. The Dr and I decided that this is not for me. So I didn’t want to get sick from going through withdrawal so I was precribed this. So here goes my journey. So I will let you know how this is going.

    • clp
      April 7, 2019

      Good luck!

  3. Harry
    November 3, 2019

    This stuff has been amazing. Usually stepping off from buprenorphine (~4mg a day since 2014 and pain management prior to this since 2008) I’ve read of longer courses (18-20 days). I tapered myself to 1mg every third day and didn’t start this until day 3 after my last dose. If I was honest with myself I didn’t start physical symptoms till about 72 hours after a dose even that small. At this point 3 every six hours was too much. Haven’t used more than 2 every 6 then have moved to 2 in the morning 1 around noon and another 2 at night and intend to ween more from here. Today is my 20th day without buprenorphine and the worst of my symptoms was GI issues easily controlled with OTC meds and some Tylenol for some headaches here and there. It’s important to remember even the manufacturer states that side effects can easily be controlled (especially the dizzy fainting) by cutting back some of your dose or spacing them out after consulting with your doctor. I’ll be the first to tell you that I would not have been ready for this without REAL recovery help via 12 step programs and a very helpful therapist.

  4. Blondy
    June 25, 2020

    I am starting Lucemyra this week. I’m down to 4 mlg of methadone. I was involved in a car accident in 2003 the day before my wedding and was prescribed pain pills. I became dependent and years later entered methadone treatment. After 5 years, I was able to complete treatment by going from well over 200 mlg all the way down to 2mlg and just stopped. I had a great support system. Divorced my husband at the time, who was also addicted. I also took advantage of the counseling services provided at the clinic. They are essential to recovery. Being honest with yourself is the first step. I was ecstatic. I remained clean for years….Until I met who would become the father of my child and the man who would introduce me to heroin. The devil. It changed my life forever. The worse few years of my life. Getting pregnant saved my life. I got clean. He got locked up. I relapsed after she was born for for a few months and went back to methadone treatment. I didn’t allow myself to get any higher than 90 mlg. I don’t think it’s necessary. It’s mind over matter in my eyes. Coming from being on almost 300 mlg, it’s no different than 90 mlg. It’s just an addict trying to get high. I was a phase 5 patient. Could get two weeks worth of take homes. Never failed a drug test (well maybe a couple in the first few months… we all have to get it out of systems, rights? Lol) So, Five years later, here I am. I’m down to 4mlg. My last day at the clinic was Friday. I’m in my doctors care now. He’s been involved in my treatment since day one. But, I don’t know if it’s because I’m 39 now and I was 29 when I did this before. Maybe it’s harder as you get older. But I’m going to try this new medication to help me this time. I did it cold turkey before but I need a little help this time. Wish me luck. I wish everyone else the best too. We can do this. Just remember, we aren’t bad people. We are tough. This shit is hard as hell. The average person couldn’t begin to understand what it feels like to go thru being dope sick or having withdrawals. I can put them as a close second to childbirth. And that the Gods honest truth. Many nights I wanted to end my life. And here I am doing everything to start a brand a new life. Anyway, good luck. God bless!

    • clp
      June 30, 2020

      Thank you for sharing. Keep me posted!

      Best of luck and God Speed

  5. August 19, 2020

    How Soon do I have to wait before taking lucemyra?? Can I take it after a few hours of taking heroin?? What happens if I take it too early??

    • clp
      August 19, 2020

      Lucemyra is for opiate withdrawal. It is not an opiate blocker or opiate agonist and does not cause precipitated withdrawal (like buprenorphine does). So it is typically taken the first 5-7 days of withdrawal symptoms. So basically, if you’re having withdrawal, then that’s when you take it. Remember that it doesn’t stop withdrawal, just helps. It needs to be taken under a doctor’s supervision due to risks of hypotension, cardiac arrhythmia, and other possible side effects. Good luck.

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