Why I Became A DUDEIST Priest

Did ever I tell you guys that I’m a Dudeist Priest?


I joined the church of Dudeism.

Now, I know the age old argument: Is Dudeism a religion or just a philosophy?  But man, sometimes things are just too complicated to waste time worrying about.  And I’ll put that argument to rest right now…by simply ignoring it.

I know what you’re thinking.  What the heck is Dudeism?!

It’s been called the slowest growing religion of all time.  I think that’s self-proclaimed.  I doubt there are any stats to back that up.

Dudeism is a religion based on the movie The Big Lebowski.  It attempts to capture the philosophy of the hero of the story.  The dude.

Joining the Church of the Latter-Day Dude does not mean I reject other religions or philosophies.

It just means I think people take things a bit too seriously.  It just means I think sometimes what we need is to just chill a bit and be friendly.  Forgive a little.  And try to do better.

I recently did a bible study on the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes.

It’s kind of a depressing book.

It keeps pointing out how pointless everything is.

And I’m a bit shocked it made it into the Bible.

I wanted to ask the author: “Bro, if it’s all so meaningless, why are you wasting time writing this down?”

There’s a bit of a twist at the end of the story though.  Kind of a Dak Prescott Hail Mary touchdown pass.  Kind of like Lebowski’s rug: It really ties the room together. 

But don’t let me get side tracked.

Let me give you the gist.

  1. Life is meaningless.
  2. Unless you live it for something meaningful.
  3. Live simply and with contentment.
  4. Love God.  Love People.

It’s almost as if the purpose of life is to find some purpose in life.

There you go.  I just saved you from reading 12 chapters. I just saved you 3 hours of Sunday school time.

(But I would recommend you read the book yourself.  It’s quite beautiful.)

But anyway…..

I was talking about Dudeism.

Dudueism isn’t about being lazy.  And it’s not about worshiping a god (portrayed perfectly by Jeff Bridges by the way).  It’s about just…. being.  Finding some happiness in the small things in life.  It’s about bowling with friends, drinking White Russians, and fighting nihilism.

You can follow the way of the Dude right there from the comforts of your armchair.  Just turn off the news, stop fighting with people on Facebook or twitter, and fight apathy instead.  Grab your favorite adult beverage, do your best to be good to one another, and let stuff go.

That’s the way of the Dude as I understand it.

The way I try to follow it.

In other words….

The dude abides.

And so can you.

So can we all.


Let me know if you’d like a Dudeist priest for your next wedding.


If you want to know the hidden secrets of the universe, then go ahead and get my book.  It won’t help you unlock any mysteries but you still might want to give it a quick read before throwing it in the trash.

Also….feel free to leave me a review on Amazon because that seems to help.  Thanks!


the slowest-growing religion in the world – Dudeism. An ancient philosophy that preaches non-preachiness, practices as little as possible, and above all, uh…lost my train of thought there. Anyway, if you’d like to find peace on earth and goodwill, man, we’ll help you get started. Right after a little nap.”



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