
Dr Chris Park is a small town family physician that was once called “the most progressive physician in Mississippi” for his work with those struggling with drug addiction. His work in the field of substance abuse has taught him valuable lessons on patience, honesty, and forgiveness. He believes that God created the body with a tremendous ability to heal itself and sometimes the best medicine isn’t medicine at all. He is the author of two books designed to help re-frame negative beliefs and dig deeper into the power of positivity. He lives in Mississippi with his 8 cats, 4 dogs, 4 kids, and one wife.
If you’d like to read more, you can grab one of my books on Amazon.
If you’d like to be a patient, call 662-499-2802
Thanks for the comment! Glad to see there are two of us southern docs into FOAMed…maybe we can be the future. Thanks again and I will follow your stuff.
Ready to start reading
Do you offer free advice…I have been on suboxone for years…
I don’t give specific medical advice via the internet but I try to help people by answering common question via this blog and my Youtube channel. If you have questions feel free to ask. Also, if you’d like to call my clinic 662-322-0996 we can try to point you in the right direction. Good luck.
God I wosh you were in Indiana
Hes a great dr. I see him monthly. We’ve had some up and downs but in my opinion does what’s best for his patients.
Good afternoon Doc,
Just wanted to drop you a line and let you that I appreciate everything you are doing. I am a disabled veteran (operation Iraqi Freedom) and it seems like all the doctors I have dealt with my adult life just didn’t care or were burnt out. Granted the only physicians afforded to me the past 20 years – since I was 18 – have been through Department of Defense or Department of Veteran’s Affairs., but the level of empathy has, for the most par, been sub-par. It brings a glimpse of hope to see a doctor that truly cares about people. Your YouTube Channel brought me here and I am ordering your book today.
Thank you and God bless!
I would like to ask you a question regarding suboxone and full time traveling. I have been on suboxone/bupenorphine treatment for 9 yrs and my family and i are about to start fulltime traveling in an RV all over the United States. I am looking for any help i can get regarding how to go about remaining on suboxone. Thank you.
I would recommend you discuss with your doc. Try to get to the lowest dose possible. If you can get to a low dose, they may let you have a couple month’s worth of meds at a time. You could then either circle back around to see them in a few months or find a doctor in the area you’re at. I think this is possible it will just take a lot of planning. Good luck.
I would really like to speak to you. Is that possible?
662-322-0996 is my clinic phone number
How much are your visits? I don’t have no insurance just sliding fee
Give us a call at 662-499-2802
Hi Dr. Park & everyone else reading,
I just stumbled upon this site which is odd because I’ve been obsessively searching Suboxone. I just started on buprenorphine 2mg 3 times a day from my pain management doctor, as I was always running out of hydrocodone early. I have small fiber neuropathy and also very bad anxiety. My dive into addiction came about 11 years ago when my dad died of cancer and my first child was born within a month of each other. I had a tenured teaching position and had just graduated with my master’s in Education with honors from an extremely competitive university. My doctor prescribed me benzodiazepines and then I got started on hydrocodones. So here I am after rehab a decade later. I never went back to the benzodiazepines but I mentally obsess about hydros and my doctor just cut me off. The sublingual buprenorphine I’ve been on about 2 weeks. I’ve had insomnia with horrible dreams. My brain feels foggy. I’m eating sugar and that’s it. I can’t even taste normal food. Even coffee is bland. My smell seems dulled. I went to 2mg a day since it’s prescribed prn for pain up to 3 times a day. I’m still craving the hydros. Is it possible the generic bup is crap? Is suboxone ex still available or only in generic? I know some generic can be not as good as the brand. Basically it’s not the be all I had hoped for. Is methadone something you recommend? My PM doctor doesn’t seem too informed on the buprenorphene. I am a single mom and I used the hydro to survive. Thank you so much for your time and to others struggling. 🙂
This is not medical advice for you. Just general information. Please discuss with your doctor before making any changes and let him/her know if you’re having problems. There are several things that could be going on. If I understand correctly, You are currently taking 6mg per day. Many patients need higher doses than that to help control cravings: Such as 8 to 16mg per day. And yes, I’ve had patients complain about generic meds being less effective. You also asked about methadone. I typically do not recommend it. I prefer Suboxone. But I can’t tell you what’s best for you. It just sometimes takes adjustments to get the right version and dose for you. Good luck to you and remember: hold on to hope and always push forward. God Bless.
I know this was from months ago, but I wanted to share my experience quickly in the case you are still having issues Karin. I am currently on 24mg/day of Suboxone, my maintenance dose for awhile now, and started at 8mg/day 6 months ago. I’m 6’4 290 and we all react to dosing different, but every time I had to up the dose, the giant red flag was the horrifying dreams that I’d classify as nighttime hallucinations in how real they felt. In addition I’d get burning of the skin. I’d take a half strip to ease it and immediately call my doctor the next day. I want to note that he is an Addiction specialist and I have built a very trusting relationship with him, so he gave me the okay to take that extra half strip if those symptoms came on. Be 100% honest with your doctor and ensure you can contact him when needed.
Hopefully, you’ve been helped and are feeling much better, but if you or anyone else comes across this, listen to the doc above and my story is here to share that I went through that same feeling. Good luck!
Hi I wanted to leave a YouTube comment but can’t for fear someone I know at work or somewhere else might see. I wanted to thank you – I live in the UK and suboxone use isn’t as developed as in the US. I had an opioid dependency problem that started with cocodamol, and ended with buorenorphine. Doctors prescribed me full strength codeine for 7 years and never questioned me, and I never questioned myself – I had no idea what the potential harm could be until I tried to stop. When doctors withdrew my prescription I went cold turkey and felt awful. I didn’t recognise it as withdrawal I didn’t know it was possible after prescription meds, but over the course of a couple of months I got to taking so much over the counter meds that I was killing myself (as codeine is mixed with paracetamol or ibuprofen) and I was taking upwards of 40 otc tablets a day just to stop being sick. I ended up with serious stomach and liver issues, I spent weeks in hospital and finally came to the realisation that I was an opioid addict. I got help, but from a clinic that deals with heroin addicts (not that I have a problem with any addict we all have a story) but I didn’t know what on earth to ask and I was put on 8mg buprenorphine which I thought was my saving grace and kept me level for a year. Little did I know I was building an even bigger problem – subs were sold to me as my only way out and I had no idea that I’d have difficulty coming off them. The day came when I said to my Keyworker I felt strong and I wanted to taper. I went from 8mg to 2mg in 2 weeks and then jumped at 2mg. I was told hard and fast was the right way to do it. I’m the UK I just don’t think we have the advice or experience that you have. I went through utter hell, almost lost my very good job, wanted to kill myself, In fact I begged God to take me on more than one occasion, and battled for at least 3 weeks with terrible withdrawal – although the really acute period was probably only 5-6 days when I couldn’t bear to even exist. I’m now 6 months along and I’m clean but I’m terribly down and all my support has gone, I suffer terrible insomnia and depression and I’ve been discharged from my Keyworker as a “success story” but I’m only ever a minute away from using a drug I can get over the counter. I wanted to reach out first to say thank you- when I was first withdrawing I didn’t know what on earth was happening to me. I contacted the UK drugs helpline “frank” who told me to just go to a&e – I had no support or help whatsoever and your videos educated me – and more importantly made me feel less alone. The videos you put out are saving lives, know that. I’m 6 months into what I know will be a life long battle but my success this far is in no small part down to you and your content – thank you and God bless you. I’ve made it through the tough part and il keep battling but I’ll keep watching you for inspiration xxx
Thank you for sharing your story and for the kind words. You are definitely not alone my friend. Good luck with your journey and may God bless you
Hi Dr. Park!
Thank you, thank you for your videos, and all the content you put out there regarding not only addiction, but how to live a better life, and be mentally better and stronger. You have such a way of articulating things- where it makes perfect sense, and is down to earth.
I have a couple of questions, and I understand it’s not medical advice, etc., but just your opinion…
1) What are your thoughts on kratom/Kratom
2) Can I dose regular plain leaf kratom while
waiting to induct on suboxone/subutex? It’s
those darn 24 hours that seem so
impossible to get through-stupid, I know!
But sadly, true:( I will keep going on like this
for YEARS rather than get through the 24
hours and few days it takes to level off on
I have been switching between a wildly expensive kratom extract tincture and oxy’s (when available) for years now. So the main thing in my system is the kratom extract tincture. I’ve zipped through my kids’ college funds over this crap. And I’m depressed, and over it. No one in my family knows anything (they are very conservative, and it would just. be. bad.,) I have a very demanding job, and am just having a hard time getting through the mental/physical hurdle of getting on suboxone. Is 24 hours enough time with a kratom extract tincture to induct on suboxone? I’m sorry, I know I’m all over the place. It’s funny, once i started writing, it’s like it all wants to come vomiting out, haha!
Thank you for all you do. Truly.
Thanks for the comments.
I’d recommend 24hrs from last Kratom dose before starting Suboxone. I know it may seem difficult but it’s the best way to prevent precipitated withdrawal. Not everyone is the same but 24hours is a good guideline (48-72 for methadone)
Good luck!
I am on medicaid anthem I would really like to speak with you . Thank you
Give us a call at 662-499-2802
Happy Memorial Day to you and your Family first off. Second, just wanna say thank you for your time to help people.. You’re helpfulness is helping me with the decision if I should or shouldn’t take Suboxone/Subutex for my severe chronic pain.. I’m a 55 yr old kid and have literally destroyed my body being such and have bout 10 pounds of metal rods and screws piecing together .. I’ve been skiddish bout asking for Suboxone/Subutex for the pain..
I don’t wanna be hooked and high on opiates.. I currently take nothing. I have a appointment 1st one with pain management Doctor on Wednesday..
I’m hoping that this will be a better option for I know once I start, it’s gonna be a lifetime commitment..Saw surgeon last week and there’s no more options for him to do to alleviate the pain.. just too much Nerve damage and lot’s of metal rods and screws piecing me together.
Sorry to be long writing ya, just wanna live pain Free and get my life back.. Hoping that this Doctor thinks it’s a safer route than filling me full of pills.. Thank You for Educating me so I kinda know what to ask or not ask..
Just wanted to comment for other potential patients of Park Medical. I want to say that so far I am so very thankful that a doctor like you still practices medicine. It is so refreshing to see the doctor who treats your medical needs still show they genuinely care about you and what their career. I hope that you always keep this quality.
I grew up in Pontotoc and lived there until I was around 28. I now live In Tennessee. I’m about 25 minutes from Memphis area. I have been searching for a good doctor since moving in 2009. I have had some terrible experiences with general practice and mental health docs in TN. I had gotten to the point that I was going to give up. Just go to an urgent care clinic should I need immediate medical attention and forget about the routine exams and have my Obgyn write my antidepressant prescription. I had sought out treatment for ptsd from being sexually assaulted. I had begged a doctor with tears streaming down my face and fighting through my shaking voice to articulate my words only to have that provider tell me there wasn’t anything else they could do. When, in fact, there absolutely was other things they could have tried. That day my soul was crushed and I was left terrified for my mental well-being. That visit only compounded my depression and added to my trauma. Several doctors later….. just when I had been thinking of giving up hope that a genuine doctor still exists I came across a post of Katherine’s, Dr. Park’s wife, in my news feed. I grew up with her and knew that she is a great person and had been raised by fantastic people . I was also aware that Dr. Park was raised by a fantastic woman. I had both of their mother’s as teachers in school. I was also familiar with who Dr. Park is because Pontotoc is a small town lol. Anyway, I thought I would give it one last go and make an appointment to see Dr. Park. Granted I haven’t been a patient for very long and I haven’t desperately needed help but I’m sure I will still feel the same. He has always been attentive, has had time for my visit and has been very helpful. He goes a little farther than most every other doctor by being very instructive and provides patient education himself. Every appointment I have felt like I was receiving care that doctors gave decades ago when it was still patient centered and not centered around loads of paperwork. The staff has always been very pleasant and professional. The clinic displays unique modern decor giving a glimpse into his personality (in my opinion). Appointments provide you with the experience from “good ol’ days”. I will gladly drive the 200 miles round trip for doctor appointments. Thank you to Dr. Park and all office personnel. Keep up the great work. I am positive all of y’all are appreciated more than you will ever know by many individuals.
Thank you for the kind words!
Dr. Park, THANK YOU for all your help and guidance on YouTube. You are saving lives and definitely doing God’s work! You have given me hope and given me knowledge, that isn’t obtainable elsewhere. I have found so many physicians who don’t know anything or give very poor advice or just want to make a quick buck. You wouldn’t believe the numbers of “Suboxone licensed physicians,” who tell me to stop cold turkey and I’ll be fine in a few days!!! I know this isn’t your intent but I believe you’re going to become somewhat of a celebrity. I’m serious. There’s not enough real life experts on this subject, especially with the opioid epidemic. This is how so many people are discovered, then called onto Dr Phil or Fox News, etc. My situation, prescribed pain meds in 2014 for one year. Dr retired and referred me to a Sub Dr. I never had a problem with opiates, I was just cut off and went into withdrawal and referred to a Sub doc. I had NO IDEA what Sub was, as I was never a “drug user,” I followed the Drs instructions and took the Sub medication. That was 6 years ago. I’ve tried tapering 100 times. I’ve even been medically detoxed and made it 46 day. 46 days of indescribable misery, until on day 47, I couldn’t take it anymore and returned to my Sub Dr. I had to laugh as he asked me, “if I had relapsed!?” I had to remind him, I was his neighbor, 56 years of age and don’t know any drug dealers! When I try and taper (very slowly, with minimal reductions in dose), at some point, I always get severe cravings. Cravings that last too many days, then I usually return to my higher tapering dose. Essentially, I blow the taper. But I can’t be a “drug seeking madman,” in front of my wife and kids. I need to function and these tapers make me very none-functional . I hate being trapped on this drug. I would of done anything not to have gone on it. My fault as I should of researched what it was I was putting in my mouth. I also truly believe my doc is a good guy. He just didn’t know. Invidor mislead him too. MY QUESTION TO YOU; Do you know ANY doc that has successfully tapered a patient off of Sublicade? I’m desperate and willing to try anything. I’m wondering if I should switch? For me, the logic of it doesn’t make sense. I’d be going from 8mlgs a day to 100 or 300mlg. A massive increase in Bup for a patient who’s trying to taper!!? And with Subs at least we can control the amount we put in our system. With Sublicade, it’s one massive shot and what happens, happens. Seems really crazy to me. HOWEVER, I have NO EXPERIENCE in the area and literally have no knowledge of Sublicade. So I’m very open to your opinion. I think they key is to actually know long term Suboxone patients that have switched to Sublicade and successfully tapered. I’m desperate to get off Suboxone. I’m lost and overwhelmed. The Suboxone has caused great injury to me and my family. If you have any information that is fact based on your knowledge, I would greatly appreciate it if we could talk? Obviously, I’m willing to pay you any amount for your time. I realize you can’t really offer medical advice but you can definitely share your knowledge. Could you have someone in your office email me and set up a time for us to talk? I think I’d need a good thirty minutes. I’m available anytime and can pay before with a credit card. My email is included with the information to this post. Please contact me. I greatly appreciate your help. “Sublicade,” would also make a great YouTube video for people stuck on Suboxone! God Bless and thank you!
Thank you very much for your posts on Facebook. THEY ARE INCREDIBLY helpful. I wish you had a space where people could request videos… they are so great.
I was wondering if you would be please able to make a video directed at the old school parents or parent of someone who is on Suboxone. They don’t understand not wanting to come off right away. They think it would be best to just get off the meds. I try and explain that it’s best for me to be between 8mg and 16mg. They don’t understand that its really benefiting for me. The side effects I get from the suboxone is insomnia and headaches. So I take sleeping pills for that and they refuse to understand that until my life is in a positive place is when it’s time to come down… if you could make a video to parents of patients explaining to them why 8-16mg is actually not that big of a deal and that they should be ok with the fact I am on the suboxone.
Before I go down I want my life to be in a much better place and that’s the key… otherwise I end up relapsing and it starts all over again…. Would it be possible to try and make a video explaining why 8-16mg is actually a good dose for someone to be on while working on the other areas of their lives….. once other areas of my life are positive i can come down. But until things start improving I want to stay at 8-16mg. Would it be possible for you to make a long video to parents and explain why 8-16mg and not 2mg and why it’s important and to not treat it as a negative thing , I was on a 140mg of methadone and got down to 16mg of subs and I want to stay there.! If you could please make one of your kick ass videos to parents of patients that would be amazing! Thanks .
I need to make an appointment with you please.
Give us a call at 662-499-2802
Do you see patients via telehealth or only in person?
In person
Do you offer or can you offer telehealth visits for out of state patients? I have been so unhappy with the doctors around me and really need a good Suboxone doctor.
I’m sorry but I don’t offer Telehealth for out of state patients. What state are you in?
I’m from Booneville, Mississippi, and I go to see Dr. Park every month.
I have took painkiller’s over 20 years for back pain, and now I’ve been told I have cronic pain, nerve pain, three bad discs in my back that’s going out, but no one will do surgery. I’ve went from a lot of painkillers to Sub 8mg. 2 and half a day, but I still suffer greatly. I feel like I don’t know if I’m doing the right thing sometimes, and feel maybe there should be something else I should take a-long with this SUB 8mg. I don’t know if that’s wise, but I don’t know how to escape the pain I’m in, and all the tingling pain, and pressure I feel. I’m also depressed because of pain, and I was hoping that Suboxone would help my pain. By 50 percent my pain has decreased, but I still have very bad days, and nights where I don’t think I’m going to make it. I think Doctor Park is awesome at what he doe’s, and he’s helped me more than my real doctor I see in Booneville. I just want to say thank you for your help, and I also wanted to know since I’ve read online once where it said some people with cronic pain took Suboxone, and was put on a low dose of morphine. I believe that’s what it was the two combined could help with great pain. I didn’t believe this when I read it, but I wanted to ask. I know you can’t give medical advise on here, but you can give some answer’s here, and is Suboxone the only thing you can give, or can you do other thing’s to? Like say I’m still in pain, and I have a lot of pain, is there anything you can do or can you say? Thank you very much for your time, and God Bless You.
Do you prescribe sublocade? Also , are you allowed to prescribe and administer it to out of state patients?