why I recommend minimalism

Minimalism is an idea.  A process.  At it’s heart, it brings in the things that are important and leaves out the things that are not.   This process can can be healing for anyone.  You are getting rid of the things that drag you down to be bring in the things that will make you happy.  This is not selfishness. This is healing.  This is peace.  Out with the useless junk, clothes, trinkets, widgets, gadgets that do nothing but clutter your space and your mind.  Out with the junk that clutters your soul.   Out with drugs, processed food, greed, busyness, laziness.  In with relationships. In with healthy eating.  In with exercise.  In with more time.  In with coffee.  In with a good book.  In with grandchildren.  In with volunteering.  In with meditation.  Sounds simple.  Cliche possibly.  But it works.  Start with the physical.  You will see.

1. Go through your closet.  Get rid of any clothes you do not wear frequently.   Try to have nothing more than a few simple clothes that fit well.  This will be different for everyone.  There is no One Way.

2.  Go through your “junk” drawer.  Trash it.  Simple.

3.  Get rid of decorations in the house.  Only keep things that truly bring joy to you such as a piece of art you love or pictures that you want to look at.   This may take some time to figure out.  That is o.k.

4.  Go through your pantry, kitchen cabinets, refrigerator.  Purge.

5.  Go through the kitchen.  Get rid of excess.  Do you need 20 plates? cups? spoons?  If you do, that is fine.  But try to find the minimum.

6.  Keep going.

7.  Remember, this will probably take weeks to months.

8.  Remember to respect others.  Only get rid of your junk, not your spouse’s.  This is about your process.  They will come around.

9.  When closets are light and drawers neat, then you will feel a calm peace.  You will start to understand the process.

10.  As the physical clutter leaves, you will start to look for the spiritual clutter.  It will take time.  This is good.  You will understand the process.

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