Read This Before Trying Kratom

At 40 years old, she had not planned on being bankrupt.

But here she was.  Walking out of a filthy convenience store.  Not worried that she just spent her last dime on some powder that she’d brew into a bitter tea.  Almost too bitter to drink.   She’d have to add honey to make it half way palatable.

What was bought would probably last a few days.  She would worry then.

When it was gone.

Imagine a plant that could fix your anxiety, help you sleep, and help with your pain.  And it’s sold at your local gas station.

Sound too good to be true?

Well then it probably is.

Kratom is derived from the plant Mitragyna speciosa, found in Southeast Asia.

It has no approved medical use but proponents claim it can be useful for things such as pain, depression, anxiety……..and opiate withdrawal.

Kratom acts differently depending on the dose.  It can be used as a stimulant or a sedative.  The life of the party or to escape the party.  It gives you the choice.  Its leaves (which are normally crushed and brewed as a tea) have been used for centuries to help relieve pain.

Some claim it is a safer treatment for pain than normal opiate medications and even claim to use it to wean off opiates.

So far so good.  Right?

But just wait.

Is Kratom safe?

That’s a good question.  Or is it?  Because the question really has no meaning.

It begs the question….safe for what?

Kratom is a drug.  And like all drugs, it has risks.  Possible side effects include: mood swings, addiction, hypertension, seizures, and psychosis.

Can you use Kratom to wean off Suboxone?

This is a common question I get from patients.

Because of its tendency to hit opiate receptors in the brain, this is a possibility.  But it also means you can in turn become addicted to Kratom.

The truth is: we don’t yet know what we don’t know.  Why take the risk?

Will it be a safer alternative to opiates?  Will it be the next buprenorphine?  Only research and time will tell.

So… Is Kratom safe?  It’s a plant.  And it’s legal (for now).  But so is tobacco.

I can’t tell you what to do.  But my advice would be to leave it alone.  Addiction is a dark and dangerous path.  And Kratom has its victims.  Wait for better evidence on efficacy and safety.

And always discuss with your personal physician about any medications or supplements you are considering.  Even if they seem “natural” and benign.

Don’t use drugs to escape your life.

Live clean.

Live free.

Live with purpose.


The above patient was treated with medication assisted therapy and has now been clean for the past year.  She has a good job, a supportive family,  and has recovered financially.

If you or someone you know needs help, please call: 662-322-0996

Thanks for reading.




clp Written by:


  1. Smart Citizen
    January 29, 2018

    If she’s on subs or methadone, than Big Pharma just got themselves another lifelong customer, and she is certainly not CLEAN. Those maintenance drugs are the real killers! Not Kratom..The Only Reason there’s even talk of a ban is becaue Kratom cuts into Big Pharma profit. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with safety. #Iamkratom #keepkratomlegal #kratomsaveslives #wearekratom

    • clp
      January 29, 2018

      Thanks for the comment. Kratom has real potential and I agree with keeping it legal. I disagree with telling someone they aren’t clean if they are on a treatment plan.

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